She Dedicates Her Legal Efforts & Strategies Toward the Personal Interest of Each Client. A Conversation with Charlotte Attorney, Lindsey Easterling
Q: When did you know you would pursue a career as an Attorney?LE: I never imagined I would be a lawyer. I didn’t pursue a legal career until my senior year of college. I had was getting a degree in social work, when my mentors advised me to go straight to law school, because they believed I could help more people with a law degree. Q: Can you share with our audience, the types of law you specialize in?LE: I’m not allowed to say “specialize” but my practice..
Practicing Trademark & Copyright Litigation & Prosecution. Meet Charlotte Attorney Lauren R. Timmons
Lauren is also a member of her firm's Hiring and Pro Bono Committees, a member of the Young Professionals of Safe Alliance (Charlotte Domestic Violence Shelter), and currently serves on the Board of the Women Lawyers of Charlotte as Co-Membership Chair and the Junior League of Gaston County on the Communications Committee. She is also a member of the Programming Subcommittee, Law Firm Committee for the International Trademark Association (INTA).Q: When did..
Her Goal is to Provide the Highest-Level Legal Representation to Her Clients. Meet Charlotte Attorney, Kathryn Yates
Prior to joining Easterling Law, Kathryn was practicing family law in Massachusetts for just under seven years, and through law school, she interned with the Children’s Law Center of Connecticut and Massachusetts where she specialized in child welfare and Special Education matters on behalf of children and families. She also participated in the Asylum and Human Rights clinic where she successfully fought to gain asylum for a Pakistani woman who had been pe..
She Guides Her Clients in a Manner that Helps Them Understand the Legal Ramifications of their Options, Meet Charlotte Attorney Meagan L. Allen
Q: What expectations did you have after graduating and receiving your law degree?MA: Honestly, I thought that the practice of law would be similar to my law school experience – lots of reading and writing. However, I learned very quickly that the practice of law is much different than law school. It is much more fluid than I expected. There is still a lot of reading and writing, but there is also a lot of social interaction with clients, opposing counse..
Meet Corporate Counsel Attorney for Extended Stay America, Alexandria Andresen
A Corporate Attorney With Experience Advising & Partnering With Large Corporations on a Variety Legal Issues & Business Strategies.Q: When did you know you would pursue a career as an Attorney?AA: Ever since I could remember, I loved to write. I have always felt more comfortable articulating my thoughts in writing than in any other form. My parents would tell you that anytime I got upset as a child, I would go to my room and write until I felt better. I e..