Devyne Wellness Steam & Wellness Spa A Place Where Women Can Relax, Enjoy & Enhance Their Health! Meet Owner, Salena Janea

5f4989e32e65eb64061f1004e2ba7a39.jpgQ: For those not familiar with Devyne Wellness can you tell us about it and how it started?
Devyne Wellness is a place for women's wellness. Women honestly go through so much; we are a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mother, a wife so we need an outlet. Some of us have found ourselves as being depressed, abused, or just needing a spiritual uplift. Devyne Wellness came from Pink Kiss Petals … that was the original name of the business. After becoming a domestic violence survivor and NOT a victim, I decided to start a new chapter with new energy and an even clearer vision of the business. That is when the business name was changed to Devyne Wellness. 

Q: You offer a Yoni Steam; can you tell us how it works and the benefits?
Sure! I’d be more than happy to! When you come into the spa, expect to walk into a positive energy and sacred place. The environment is nonjudgmental, you can be yourself, take off your shoes, whatever you like! You will go over your Intake Form that is usually completed prior to your appointment day, however, if you choose to do it in the spa that is fine as well. Your practitioner will then go over your concerns, questions to make sure that they give you the best experience possible. 

There are so many herbal recipes as we customize them to your situation! For example, if you are having issues sleeping, then we would add lavender and/or chamomile. Each herb serves their own purpose that is why we go over the form to make your personal customized herbal blend. The benefits of a Yoni Steam are better sleep, relieves anxiety and depression, assist with emotional trauma, fibroids, cysts, bad cramping, recurring yeast infections, recurring BV, menopause, and so much more! 

Q: What types of products do you offer at your online store?
The type of products that are offered on the online store as Sea moss, herbal loose leaf teas, African Black Soap, Oils, Online Certification classes and more!

Q: Where do you see your business five years from now?
In five years, I see myself as having many franchises! The goal is to spread health conscious products to the world! Herbs cure and they are from our Sweet Mother Nature!

Q: After high school, where did you feel your career path would take you?  
I thought that I would become a lawyer! I have always had a passion for helping others. Just someone saying a simple “thank you” means everything to me. 

Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you?
lol, honestly, my first job was at Shoney’s restaurant. I didn't like it so after 2 weeks, I was blessed to get a job at IBM. I can't say that the job made an impact. What I can say is that I grew up around an Entrepreneur at heart, my Father, so I always wanted to walk in his shoes and be a free spirit. 

Q: What's the greatest fear you've had to overcome to get where you are today?  
The greatest fear that I have had to overcome to get to where I am today is, I can do anything! I used to question myself or ask myself on multiple occasions why I had to be different. I always thought differently and never wanted to work for anyone. I just see things differently, but I love people, good people that is, and I crave good energy as well as I am an Empath. 

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
I can't tell you how I manage it! lol. It is not easy; you can find yourself working 16 hours in a day just by sitting in front of a laptop. I sometimes say to myself, there are ONLY 24 hours in a day Selena! There's just so much to do when you own your own business because it is your brand. Your passion can turn into your profit if you allow it. Trust the process and believe in yourself and balance will come. 

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
One lesson that I learned that I could share with the audience is never be afraid to ask for help! Know that it takes support of others whether it may be strangers or friends. Network as much as possible with people who have great resources! You are not in this alone! 

Five Things About Salena Janea

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why? 
If I could talk to one person past or present it would probably be Eartha Kitt. I always thought she was a classy, fierce, and independent woman that I could have learned from! She just seemed like the type of woman where you can sit on the ground, pen, and paper in hand, and take notes about life, womanhood and standing in your truth. 

2. What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made?
The best career decision I've ever made was believing in myself and stepping out on faith to do my own thing!

3. Are you more of a "work to live" or a "live to work" type of person? 
I am more of a live to work person ONLY because I have created an audience in which women depend on me. I am an Empath; a natural healer, I feel things, I love giving out love and since that is what my career entails, I am a live to work type of person!

4. What's your most prized possession and why? 

My most prized possession is my son’s high school diploma and driver’s license. After hard work, researching and finding great resources in my area (which was very difficult) I made sure that he walked across the stage to get his high school diploma, and he also got his driver’s license. As of October, of last year 2019, he came back from getting a certified trade! 

So, his diploma means everything to me, and everything to us. Hence, that is why I am starting a program called Tyler's House. This program is for Autistic people over the age of 18 and making sure that they have an extended family other than their related family. It is a place where likeminded individuals can be themselves, find friends, and practice their social skills as well. 

5. What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend? 
Great question! My favorite way to spend a weekend would be at the beach! I love to sit by the water, just enough to where the tide comes in and touches your toes while I am writing poetry. It is the most relaxing experience ever. I feel as if I can breathe by the ocean, find myself, recharge, and do spiritual maintenance.


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